Study with personal Care.

For students of class 10th, 11th & 12th and Preparing for Competitive exams

Unlimited Personalized Learning Sessions, Just for You!

Experience tailor-made learning sessions for every subject and topic. Our innovative AI algorithm crafts batches of 20 questions, each accompanied by instant feedback and solutions - it's like chatting with your personal tutor!

Experience tailor-made learning sessions for every subject and topic. Our innovative AI algorithm crafts batches of 20 questions, each accompanied by instant feedback and solutions - it's like chatting with your personal tutor!

Assess and Improve with Custom Assessment Sessions

After every 10 personalized learning sessions, STUDYtable crafts an assessment session just for you. Targeting your most challenging concepts, you can take as many assessments as you need to achieve mastery!

Worry Less, Accomplish More with special Management in your study.

Our AI assistant helps track your progress and curates study plans for competitive exams at every stage of your journey. We monitor your readiness for each exam individually, guiding you toward success!

Our AI assistant helps track your progress and curates study plans for competitive exams at every stage of your journey. We monitor your readiness for each exam individually, guiding you toward success!

Crafted Just For You.

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